More Travel

A few people have mentioned that they thought it was weird that I was in the market for a “work husband” when my real husband actually works with me. This is true. The irony is not lost. However, I’m all about equal rights. I don’t think having a real work husband should disqualify me from having a fake one (or two) as well.

I still like my real one the best.

Anyway, I mentioned that before my Denver work trip, I was in Las Vegas. I flew there for a long weekend to visit my mom and some family friends. My mom’s birthday is in August and she was asked what she wanted for her birthday. Her answer of course: Vegas. But that trip didn’t happen until February. Still, I was not going to let that birthday wish go ungranted, so I booked my flight there so it would be sure to happen.

We could have stayed with our friends in town but my mom, being the high society lady that she is, wanted to stay at a hotel. What the birthday girl wants, the birthday girl gets. I booked two hotels. We stayed at the Cosmopolitan for the first two nights and the Palazzo for the second two. Now, I don’t want to say that the Cosmopolitan is my spirit hotel, but you can’t deny the facts.

There were rabbits everywhere I turned. It’s like they knew. Plus, it’s not even a year of the rabbit, so I’m not sure what was going on. But I liked it. I even ran into rabbits outside of the hotel.

That metal one was purchased and now has a happy home in Orlando.

As for the hotels, I didn’t like the Palazzo as well as the Cosmopolitan. Mom liked the Palazzo better, which I found surprising because I could not get her out of the bath tub at the Cosmopolitan. It had jet-propulsion like a hot tub and I’m pretty sure she took more baths than we were there days.

She asked for that picture to be taken by the way (over and over). And that’s the clean one (no pun intended).

I just didn’t feel like there was much to do at the Palazzo unless you walked over to the Venetian. So lesson learned, I’ll just stay at the Venetian next time. I tried to book it for this trip but they didn’t have the date range that I wanted. Next time!

As one does in Vegas, we spent a lot of time eating and sight seeing. Mom drank vats of Bailey’s (or maybe that’s Kahlua?)

We checked out the Michael Jackson One Cirque Du Soleil show which I really enjoyed, but thought it was more of a dance show than a cirque show. Not much cirque stuff going on in comparison to the five or so others I’ve seen. Also, it was LOUD. Like, concert loud which I was not expecting. Mom probably could have used some ear plugs for that one.

We walked from the Cosmopolitan to the Wynn (about 1.5 miles) to meet up with our friends for dinner. That mama of mine is going to be 80 this year and she’s truckin’ all over town.

Another night, just before we left for dinner, my mom decided to “check out the casino really quick and see what they have.” She came back 20 minutes later and had already won $250. I swear, I don’t know how she does it but the casinos love her. I need to channel her casino luck into a day job.

We walked around the Venetian and checked out the sights. Mom loved the Venetian (which I think is the secret reason she liked the Palazzo better).

We also visited Mandalay Bay which was bitter sweet, of course, because of the shooting that happened, but it’s also where I got married, so I have a lot of good memories of that hotel.

And that was it. The trip was short and sweet. And then it was off to Denver for another work trip.

I’ve done about three work trips since then and even though they’re for work, they always end up being a good time. It’s nice to like your co-workers! So I’ll chat about those trips next time.


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4 responses to “More Travel

  1. Susanne Rohner

    Like a second visit.

  2. Melissa

    I was just thinking I needed to email you to see how all the traveling was going!

    Love that pic of FF and Pantsy Pants. And the one of you and Mamabird ❤

    I still have never been to Vegas. Meanwhile, my parents have 5 free nights there and are leaving tomorrow. It's good to be retired.

    • Paula

      Yeah! When can we do that retired thing already?!

      We are talking about going back for our 10-year anniversary next year and recreating our favorite wedding pic! And by we, I mean me.

      • Melissa

        Apparently in another 30 years. That seems like a long time to wait. Boo.

        I will recreate it with you!! Probably not quite what you had in mind.

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