Three Things Thursday

My dad passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. He had a heart attack on his way out to play a game of golf about 2 weeks after his birthday, which was the last time I saw him.

He was never really a healthy guy, which might be the reason I’m a complete workout junkie now. I was always on him about eating better and exercising, but even without a healthy lifestyle and a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier, he still made it 71 years.

Growing up, my mom always told me that I could sit on his lap for hours, silent, while he watched sports. She said that I just liked sitting on his lap.

Check out that red hair on me. I wasn’t called “punkin” for nothing.

This was at my brother’s wedding when I was 13. Perms were in then, trust me.

Random fact: Three people asked my mom if I was married at my brother’s wedding. Um, I’m THIRTEEN, people! 

I’m not sure when this picture was taken, but I was probably in my early 20s. You know, like I am now.

Anyway, he’s on my mind a lot today, so I thought I would list my three favorite memories of my dad.

1. This isn’t legal now. My dad was pulling a Britney before Britney pulled a Britney, but he used to let me sit on his lap while we were going through tolls on the highway so I could put the change in the bucket.

2.  We were driving from Chicago to Iowa to visit my grandma one day, when a song came on the radio. It was Zoot Suit Riot. My dad asked me who sang that song. I told him it was the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies to which he replied, “What?! Next thing you know they are going to have the Vagina Lovin’ Dildos.”

I’m not making that up. He said that. And I was like 15.

So wrong.

3. When my dad found out I was getting married, he was really happy that I was getting married on my grandma’s birthday. Honestly, it wasn’t intentional. But I was glad it made him happy.

Unfortunately, my dad was 4 months short of making it to my wedding so he didn’t get to walk me down the aisle. Although, I’m glad one of my big brothers was able to step in.

My dad retired to Florida from Illinois three years before he died. In that time, he made enough friends to fill an entire church at his funeral. My brother and I couldn’t believe how many people were there. I don’t know the full total, but it had to be over 100. He was just a guy who was loved by everyone who knew him.

Anyway, I normally don’t like to talk about stuff that’s too personal but my dad was so awesome, he deserves it.


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16 responses to “Three Things Thursday

  1. That’s pretty awesome. Cheers to your dad.
    Now about your brother’s wedding. let me be the first to make a “Was Jerry Lee Lewis/Garry Glitter/Roman Polanski there by chance” joke.

  2. What awesome memories of your dad!! And your wedding dress is fabulous!

  3. Becky

    Lovely post. Thanks for getting me teary-eyed at work…seriously thank you for sharing. It is wonderful you had a great relationship with your father. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    And my you were a cute kid with lovely curls and red hair? I sure didn’t know about your red hair!!! 😉

  4. Aww great post! I teared up! Your dad sounds like he was hilarious! And shout out to lap riding! Britney didn’t know any better….

  5. What precious memories. You looked beautiful on your wedding day!

  6. I’m proud of you. This might not have been in your comfort zone but it was beautiful. Great tribute to a man you loved so much. 🙂

    You look stunning in your wedding picture!!

  7. Nicole

    Omg this made me cry! What a nice story to leave for your Dad. I might do one of these for my Grandma… you inspired me (’cause I dont like to share stuff like that either.) But you’re right, those that are so awesome, surely do deserve it.

  8. KNed

    You’re so great for writing this. I didn’t realize you lost your dad so close to your wedding. My dad is still around and your post makes me appreciate him more. 🙂 He always let me drive sitting on his lap once we turned onto our street heading home.

  9. Katie G

    Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Viki

    Your dad was a wonderful man and I miss him. Seeing the pictures brings back a lot of memories, especially the one when you were a little girl. You sure did have red hair back then! I can even remember your 7th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. LOL. Wow I am feeling old now…

  11. Pingback: Three Things Thursday | Eat:Watch:Run

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  14. That is so sad he didn’t make it to your wedding to see how beautiful you looked!

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