Low Key Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving started with a workout with our personal trainer, Linda. She opted for cardio since we all have no self-control when faced with large quantities of food. So, we did 5 rounds of:

  • 1/2 mile run
  • 1 minute boxing
  • 1 minute side step-ups on an 18 inch step (20 reps each leg)
  • 1 minute jump rope

Try to do 40 side step-ups in 1 minute. It’s challenging. I think toward the end, I only had 5 seconds to spare in each minute.

For anyone new reading, this is Linda.

That is also when my hair didn’t suck.

After the workout, we got ready to go to the in-laws for dinner and I cannot confirm or deny that I ate a piece of pizza before heading over there. Dinner was at 2:00 pm, so I’m not sure why anyone calls that dinner. But ok. Dinner it is.

Dinner was just the four of us – me, hubs, the FIL, and the MIL. I took about 3 pictures total, so here’s one with the four of us from three years ago at my SIL’s wedding.

By the way, none of us planned the red, black, and white theme and we didn’t even notice until after we took the picture. Also, everyone is in heels or on a step (my MIL) except me and my FIL’s cousin’s husband. If you see tall people in the family, it’s because they married one of us.

The MIL made turkey, ham (for me because I’m not much of a turkey fan), green bean casserole, stuffing, and sweet potato casserole. There were also sliced cranberries, but every year I like to pretend those don’t exist because they are the devil.

My plate looked like this. Times three.

I guess it was times four if you count that the sweet potato casserole gets a plate of its own. I can’t have other food tainting the beauty that is sweet potato casserole. My MIL also cooks carrots just for me (I loooove cooked carrots) and I ate 6 of them. SIX full carrots. That just seems unnecessary.

Everything my MIL made was almost too delicious and better tasting than last year. We mentioned how good everything was and she couldn’t even remember what she did differently.

After dinner, we rolled over to the couch, collectively unbuttoned our pants, and watched Hanna.

I had never even heard of this movie but it was really good.

After the movie, hubs and I headed home, took a nap, woke up, and then ate some more. After we completely defiled our bodies with leftovers, we defiled our livers with some margaritas. Then we defiled our eyes by watching Paul.

I had heard Paul was good. And we both thought it was just ok. It was about as funny as Hot Fuzz, which was barely funny. Now that I think about it, Jim told me Paul was good and he has an unnatural man-crush on Simon Pegg, so maybe I should have taken that into account.  You will never recapture the magic of Shaun of the Dead, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost! You hear me!?

We also watched the Ice Age Christmas special, which was super cute. We’re gonna have to buy that one. 🙂


Today, I plan on avoiding every store. I don’t get the Black Friday thing at all. I would rather pay full price for something than have to deal with all the assholes out there.

If you’re into the Black Friday thing, good luck to you. Also, tell me what awesome deals you got so I can live through you.


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13 responses to “Low Key Thanksgiving

  1. I am so with you on the Black Friday thing. No thank you! Now I just have to convince myself that the apple with my breakfast is just as good as the apple pie I had last night…

  2. Yeah, I can’t handle the crazies either. My mom went shopping this morning and said that it wasn’t too bad, but it’s still not worth it for me to wait in line for 10 minutes to check out.*

  3. I’m glad you got to watch Hanna, and that you liked it! I’m with you on black friday. AVOID.

  4. I leave for a few days and so many things have happened!?!?!? Thank you, for making my 3 hour layover in Miami a little more entertaining. My thoughts…
    1. Fire your hair girl. WTF did she do to your hair?? Did she become color blind since the last time you visited? My advice… make her pay you back for your wasted time, plus fix your hair. And maybe give you some free products or something.
    2. UM…. guy with a GUN?? That is seriously my biggest fear while running alone. For real. I would have pooped my pants (although, thanks to the Imodium I took 2 weeks ago before the marathon, that might not even happen). I am actually kind of sad you didn’t have your camera to take pictures… is that a weird thing to want?
    3. I’m so glad bunnypants is okay! If Derbs skipped a meal I’d be freaked. I think it might have been bp’s way of getting you to buy her a new hump buddy though.

  5. We randomly decided to stop by Millenia today to see if we saw anything we liked and it was pretty empty. I picked up some Christmas stockings from Pottery Barn and we got a lot of Christmas shopping done, but we didn’t score any amazing deals. But we also didn’t get pepper sprayed waiting in line for a $2 TV. So it’s all a trade off.

  6. I can’t handle shopping on busy days like Black Friday, so no deals over here.
    I loved Hannah! I had never heard of it either when I watched it, so I didn’t go into it with any expectations, but I thought it was awesome.
    Annnd I am embarrassed to say that I have never tried sweet potato casserole… I think I am going to have to make this for our next big fam dinner, since no one else does.
    You look gorgeoso in that grey dress you saucy minx.

  7. You really didn’t have mashed potatoes, OR DESSERT. EFFF! That’s just wrong! I have been BF shopping with my Step-Mom once. It was mayhem. By the time noon came around, my sister and I found a couch in the mall and fell asleep like a couple of homeless people. Clearly we are not cut out for this.

    In reponse to your question on my bloggy. The hub doesn’t drive for FedEx, he works at one of their shipping hubs. So yes, they prepare everything that comes in 11/23 to go out on 11/25. I guess I should stop changing my blog background, huh?

  8. I could just eat sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving and be happy. So good! 🙂

  9. We watched Hanna and Paul last month. I fell asleep during Paul 😦 I found it really lame (from what I can remember…)

    Black Friday shopping isn’t much to brag about here in Germany. Everyone went to the military base. We went there around 10 and ended up getting an xbox 360 Modern Warfare thinggy. I dunno. Husband is happy.

  10. I’m jealous of your thanksgiving grub. We ate at a restaurant and it sucked!!!

    With you on the Black Friday thing. No. Freaking. Way.

  11. I didn’t do the Black Friday thing, I had to work. Ugh. Even if I didn’t have to work though, I wouldn’t have gone. Too crazy for me too.

  12. Besides the workout…eating and movies, that does sound very low key. LOL! I love the black friday bit at the end there…so true. 🙂 Glad you had a relaxing/yummy day! Jess


  13. Man how did I miss this? You can badmouth Paul all you want, but never the holy trinity of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (aka, Hot Fuzz). Never I say!

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